My friend
Arvin Khoshnood reports that
Iranian businessman and philanthropist, Manouchehr Farhangi, has been stabbed to death outside his home in Spain. Mr Farhangi was an Iranian zoroastrian and monarchist who supported various opposition groups against the occupational Islamic Republic through financial, political, and cultural support. Mr Farhangi founded the "
International College of Spain" which today is a very prestigious academic institution.
This could be yet another assassination of an Iranian patriot abroad by the Islamic Republic's terror forces.
Condolences go out to the family and friends of Mr Farhangi whose new year had to begin in this tragic way.
Sarbaze Kuchak has translated a Spanish article on the assasination of Dr Farhangi which includes the prospect that this could have been a politically motivated murder by a supporter of the terrorist Islamic Republic occupying Iran.
Very sad. But sadder is the fact that these crimes are not reported by corrupt western mass media at all. I saw nothing about him when I heard first about it on iran press news web site.
Thanks for the info
Salam dooste aziz! Eydat mobarak!
You posted your comments under the wrong post but I've published them nonetheless.
wow, this is sad.
Noroozat Gerami bad, dooste aziz.
Mr Manouchehr Farhangis death is a tremendous sadness to all and with all my condolences to his familly ,i know how hard it is as i had simillar experiences in my life, those terrroist will be caught and bring to justice. i thank Mr Arvin khosnood for giving us this very sad information, Tirdad Gharib.
Mr. Manouchehr Farhangi was a Father to everybody (Iranian and non Iranian) who knew him. He helped many people. He will be missed a lot. It will be impossible to forget him.
As an educator, I'm deeply saddened to learn that this man was targeted in this cowardly act.
I personally knew Mr. Farhangi from Dehkadeh Saheli. He was one of the most precious Iranians. Why must a man like him die like that? My sympathy is with his nice family.
VOA persian reporting this
Thank you for the information. So sad to hear this news and so upsetting that this crime was not reported widely and only Iran press news has posted this news on it’s website. I have a Persian radio show in Ottawa Canada and read this sad news on our last night's news part. www.RadioHamseda.net
On behalf of Radio Hamseda Ottawa I send my sincere condolences to Dr. Farhangi's family and all Iranians and non Iranians.
In Peace,
Producer, Radio Hamseda Ottawa, Canada
Many know who the agents of the "black robe" are living abroad. Why not assassinate a few of them in revenge?
Shame on CNN, NBC, BBC and shame on christine amanpour, and all othere media that are just the tools of west.
We are going to keep the memory of all of our hero's a life.
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