Amir Abbas Fakhravar is an Iranian student activist fighting for freedom and democracy in Iran. He has endured torture in the Islamic Republic's jails and since his last temporary leave he has been on the run from the Islamic Republic's security forces. The Islamic regime has issued orders of "shoot to kill" on Mr Fakhravar. This is the profile of one Iranian Freedomfighter.
[I'd like to stress that below the Iranian year is referred to as 1385 which is completely false as this figure is based on an Islamic calendar. The Iranian year this year is 2565 and is based on the coronation of Cyrus the Great and the unification of the two Iranian Kingdoms at that time (Median and Persian). Under Shahanshah Aryamehr, the late King of Iran, the Imperial Calendar was reintroduced towards the end of the 70's; with the coming of the second Arabo-Islamic invasion of Iran in 1979 and the coming to power of the mollah's the Islamic propaganda and brainwashing campaign got a new boost with the mollah's having at their disposal the riches of an entire nation to steal and fund their anti-Iranian and terrorist activities!!
A page dedicated to Amir Abbas:, the Students, Freedom Lovers of Iran, invite all those thriving towards the immensely difficult task of achieving freedom to participate in the "Congress for the Freedom of Iran", putting aside their differences and thinking instead of our children.
The new Iranian year of 1385 is approaching.
We shall call this New Year the Year of Freedom. We shall call upon all Iranians to set up with the help of international organizations, the "Congress for the Freedom of Iran" on March 22, corresponding to the 9 900th day of captivity of the Iranian nation in the hands of a few mullahs. Time is short! Let us gather our collective effort so that the 10 000th day of our captivity becomes the first day of our liberty.
Excerpt from a letter to the freedom loving people of the world. Dated February 10 2006:
Amir Abbas Fakhravar is a writer, a journalist and a law student who has devoted his life to the fight for freedom and democracy in his native Iran. In the last 14 years he has been arrested numerous times, and has endured the most terrible forms of torture at the hand of the Islamic regime. He has yet to give up the fight!His novel “Inja chah nist” was short listed for the Paulo Coelho price for literature in 2003. Amir Abbas is also an honorary member of the English and the international PEN Organization
The purpose of this site is to provide a means of communication for Amir Abbas to the world and to provide the world a means of communication to Amir Abbas.