Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Call for protest on Friday July 13th/ 22 Tir - 6 PM - Engelab Square - Tehran

The Committee of Iran’s National Struggle is calling for a peaceful gathering of the public to protest against petrol rationing. This protest will take place on Friday 22 Tir (July 6) at 6pm, Enghelab Square in Tehran. The Committee has already distributed more than 5 thousand leaflets throughout Tehran and other provinces to announce the news about the mentioned gathering/protest and intends to distribute more.

CLICK HERE for Persian news report.

Also July 9th which marked the student uprising at Tehran University was marked this year although with lower numbers due to the overwhelming presence of the occupational regime's suppressive forces - those who had gathered outside the university gates were swiftly arrested by the Islamic Republic's security forces and transferred to prisons where they will be tortured and interrogated and if not killed be forced to confess to some untrue charges that the Islamic Republic will charge them with.

CLICK HERE for Winston's report on July 9th/18 Tir.

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