Again Siamak Zand, the Mullah's mouthpieace in CBS News and Sky News in Tehran responded to his condemnations by ignoring them and sending yet another proof of his "nokari":
As an international journalist who is accepted by your beloved Americans and British,and who will not stoop to the the level of the rabid dogs who have nothing to do but bark all day,I am on my way home to my beloved country where I will be spending my weekends on the slopes of the Alborz mountains skieng while you retched souls have to scrap for a living in exile. Khar Khodetounit.
Siamak Zand
Yes Siamak Zand is on his way back to his "beloved country", where his "beloved countrymen" are being executed for each day that passes by because of their opposition to the terror rule of the Mullah's!
Siamak Zand is on his way back to his "beloved country" where they stone women to death!
Siamak Zand is on his way back to his "beloved country" where the Islamic Republic has executed hundreds of Iranian students who participated in anti-regime demonstrations.
Siamak Zand is on his way back to his "beloved country" where fellow journalists like Zahra Kazemi are detained for trying to report the TRUTH (unlike Siamak Zand who prefers to be the tool of the Mullah's!), imprisoned, raped, and eventually killed by OFFICIALS of the Islamic Republic's judiciary!
Siamak Zand is on his way back to his "beloved country" where clerics issue 100 lashes to a 14 year old Iranian Kurdish boy for breaking the fast which leads to this innocent life's DEATH!
Despite all this Siamak Zand is going to his "beloved country" to go skiing! This man really has no shame left in his body! I wonder how much blood-money the mullah's have paid him to become such wretched soul that he would even dare say the things he's said!
SIAMAK ZAND I will do everything in my power to have you removed from your position; where you act as the Islamic Republic's mouthpiece. You have given me enough reasons and energy to pursue YOUR case.
Where should we write to?
Why don't you FORWARD his emails to CBS and his supervisors?
Dear Aryamehr:
As I previously mentioned, he is a true sociopath in a clinical sense, however, the sick part is the transparent collusion of CBS,SKy, and VOA and the Medieval Republic of Tazzis. Why the near arrest of Safa Einollhi by the British Police? Why honoring murderer like Khatami? They're not fooling anyone. The whole series of events are suspect and stinks to high heaven.
Aryamehr jan, We're on our own. BTW, thank you for linking me. I think you should also link Roxieamerica. She knows more about Iran than all the Iranians put together. She is relentless in exposing the IRI's lies although she has to take her husband to chemo everyday. Read her posts and enjoy her artwork as well. She is awesome.
Her link:
I'm going to try and put together a protest letter this weekend. I'll post more on this once it's done. Silence is not an option in this case -nor should it ever be.
Dear Serendip,
I fully understand you...i'll put up a link to your friend asap.
Please let me know how I can be of any help.
We should spread the word about this scumbag
Aryamehr Jan;
I thought maybe Dr. Judith Klinghoffer can help you. You can ask her advice regarding how the best way is to proceed. Also tell her about VOA and other mozdoors. She once tried to expose Derakshan et al. She is familiar with the problem.
Read her Post below:
Dr. Judith Apter Klinghoffer is an affiliate professor at Haifa University, Member of the International Advisory Board for Academic Freedom of Bar-Ilan University and was the 1996 Fulbright professor at Aarhus, Denmark. She is the co-author of International Citizens' Tribunals: Mobilizing Public Opinion to Advance Human Rights and the author of Vietnam, Jews and the Middle East: Unintended Consequences.
Her blog:
Her email:
Dear ANON, i've contacted Mrs Klinghoffer.
Hi. I tried to sign the petition, but I was unable. For some reason, the site wants me to sign in. I do not write there, so I have no way of signing in. Grrr.
Is there anyway you could possibly help to sign this petition? I think it is the only right thing to do. Thank you for your time.
Dr Klinghoffer has mentioned our protest letter on here blog.
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