Pressrelease: Hungerstrike
Chairman Ardavan Khoshnood
Date: 2009-06-30
The Islamic Republic has now for weeks been shaken by massive demonstrations. The demand of the people for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic, for freedom and for democracy has been answered with nightsticks and bullets. It is hard not to be overwhelmed when seeing the massive demonstrators in Iran screaming “down with the Islamic Republic”.
The Association for Democracy in Iran has since its establishment demanded from the Swedish government to end all diplomatic relations with the regime in Iran. This demand should today, more than ever, be fulfilled now when the whole world has witnessed how the Islamic Republic has without any mercy killed and assaulted people who have cried out for freedom and human rights.
For criticizing the foreign policy of the Swedish government when it comes to the Islamic Republic in Iran, the Association for Democracy in Iran has arranged a hunger strike in Malmö, which is going to last for three days. We demand from the Swedish government to break up all kinds of diplomatic relation with the Islamic Republic. We also demand that Sweden take the side of the Iranian people in their fight to overthrow the Islamic Republic in Iran and introduce a secular and democratic form of government.
The Association for Democracy in Iran invites all Swedish and Iranian organizations, parties and associations, as well as individuals who support the Iranian people’s fight for liberation to this hunger strike.
Date: Thursday July 2nd, 2009 at 18:00 – Sunday July 5th, 2009 at 18:00
Place: Gustav Adolfs torg, Malmö
1 comment:
Dear Ardavan Hello to you Dear Brother I am with you all the way 3 days of Hungerstrike from My part Has started Allready . God Bless Tirdad
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