The Supreme Leader of the terrorist Islamic Republic occupying Iran have a laugh on how well they have fooled the Iranian nation and western audience with the idea of presenting their terrorist theocratic system with the notion that there exists a "conservative" and "reformist" faction within this very system, when in fact both these actors (reformist/conservative) are die-hard loyalists sworn to protect the very same terrorist regime and its anti-Iranian foundations!
The terrorist Islamic Republic occupying Iran is gearing up to fool the Iranian nation once again with promises of "reform". Mullah Khatami, the Islamic Republic's smiley-face, has recently announced his candidature for the Islamic Republic's sham elections. The Islamic Republic is once again playing their "reformist" card and the western media will be all over it once again with statements describing Mullah Khatami as "modernist", "reformist", "liberal", "progressive" etc. fooling their naive audiences with such utter nonsense. What is imperative now though is to see if the Islamic Republic succeeds once again in making a fool out of the Iranian nation or if Iranians have learned their lesson by now - which is that no faction of this terrorist ILLEGAL OCCUPYING force is legitimate nor do they exist to serve the best interest of the Iranian people. What should be pretty darn clear by now is that the only good mullah is one buried 6ft below the ground! Although the results of their sham elections are rigged and pre-determined, with candidates being handpicked by the regime, a strong statement in the form of visible boycotts/protests/demonstrations against this terrorist regime's daring game's will send a strong message to the western audience and the regime itself that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. If not Iranians should prepare themselves to continue living as prisoners in their own country, as they have for the past 30 years, and stay idle as the terrorist Islamic Republic executes political activists, continues to destroy Iranian cultural heritage, degrade Iranian women to a 2nd rate citizens, etc etc...
LINK 1 (Khatami announces candidacy)
LINK 2 (IRI 1.0-4.0)
Aryamehr jan, just FYI Azarmehr's dad has passed away....
They are ALL two sides of the same coin.....managed by Israel and the UK.
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