Never in the history of Iran had the United Nations CONDEMNED our country for human rights violations, before the Islamist Takeover of 1979!
Never in the history of the Iran had the United Nations put our nation under SANCTIONS for non-compliance to treaties it has signed, before the Islamist Takeover of 1979!
Never in the history of Iran had millions of Iranians lived in EXILE, before the Islamist Takeover of 1979!
Never in the history of our (once!?) great nation Iran had this nation gone from being a respected, powerful, worthy member of the civilized community to being belittled and shamed internationally; reduced to the label of "TERRORIST-state"!
Never in the history of Iran has a MULLAH, the lowest scum of society, been sitting on the throne that Cyrus the Great and other Great Iranian Kings once sat on!!!
I could go on...
I hope for the sake of Iran and future generations that the people of Iran wake up from their COMA and decide to save themselves, their country and secure the prosperous and dignified future which future Iranian generations deserve! I also hope that the international community stops appeasing these terrorists and starts empowering the Iranian people in their struggle for liberating their country!
If we work alone in this struggle we will be weak and defeatable! But if we unite we will form a fist that will knock out this terrorist regime and send it to HELL where it belongs!
We have to reclaim our country and our honor! Whatever it takes!
Very true words Aryamehr, strength in numbers, the only problem is we all have our own agendas and for anything to work we need to stop being so selvish and close-minded.
Absolutely beautiful and moving picture. Who's the artist?
There are so many "Nevers" we could write a book about. Never so many addicts, sex and drug trafficking, threat to economy (depletion of oil by 2014)and so on.
Excellent and moving post. Thanks.
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