16th January, 1979 ; on this cold and somber day, His Imperial Majesty the Shahanshah of Iran decided it would be best to calm tensions by leaving his beloved country.
Vicious anti-Shah propaganda published by the enemies of Iran, with the help of western news outlets like the BBC, had created a tense situation in Iran. The Islamists, Communists, Islamo-Marxists, and a group calling themselves ReligiousNationalists (oxymoron! >> Islamists in sheep's clothing) where all contributing their uttermost to destabilize the country and overthrow the Shah.
With a handful of Iranian soil, the Shahanshah and his wife the Shahbanou of Iran bid farewell to the country which they had dedicated their lives to. At the airport loyal members of the Imperial Guard tried to persuade the Emperor from leaving. Members of the cabinet paid their respects. The Shah had empowered PM Shahpour Bakthiar to save the country.
In the end the forces of darkness would take over the country and establish an Islamic Republic; ushering in their now 28 years of terror, war, death, destruction, poverty, misery, and dictatorship.
Today 70% of the Iranian population is under 30 years old. They had no hand in this treason which transformed their glorious country and ancient monarchy into an Islamic Republic. Today 70% of Iranians are paying the price of the "treasonous fathers and mothers of '79".
See album on 1979-1980
Excellent tribute. He should've never left... *sigh*
If he hadn't left, Army could stand its ground and settle the crazy rioters. By leaving Iran, Armed Forces became crippled and disabled, unable to decide what to do. It's one of the most darkest days of our history. I feel bad for his majesty and his family every day. :-(
very sad day.
What he really should have done was executed Khomeini the first time, before exiling that bastard to France.
There is no other powerful entity in the world than management, that includes politics. Bad management always ends on catastrophic consequences. A nation should never betray its King and the King should do the same.
*sigh* we all think he should have done this or that. Agree, he shouldnt have left but he did and thats what the Iranian Nation and foreign powers deserved at the time. He was a very ill man with Cancer and with an Ungrateful, self-seeking Nation. They, them, the Nation are going to make same mistake again, I'm sure, some time in the future.
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