More pictures of Iranian women beaten by Islamist hooligans of the Islamic Republic occupying Iran, for not adhering to the imposed Islamic dresscode. The smallest favour you who are reading this blog can do for these women and victims of the Islamic Republic is to spread these pictures and videos to as many news-stations as possible and make sure that they receive the publicity they deserve! Instead of watching smiling deceitful mullah's like Khatami on CNN let us pay some more attention to the people who suffer under these barbaric mullah's!
UPDATE 1: More in depth info on the incident
linked to your post
Yes and this is the real face of regime that covers all of their actions.
Appaling! See my post on this.
If she was a Palestinian her photograph would be all over the Western media.
islamic regim is very wild and it is real face of regim
Good evening to all of you friends again this picture and these pictures demonstrates the atrocity and the hatred of ahmadinejad and their faccist islamic communist mollahs,of iran against innocent women who all they ask is to be free women and men were equal under his late majesty,padeshaheh nazaninemoun. the faccist communist islamic of irans days are soon over. god bless the soul of reza shah and his great majesty the king of kings we love you dear majesty rest in peace and we will prevail. tirdad gharib son of hormoz gharib.
hi, excuse me, can you tell me where have you found the pictures? are them from an agency or yours? It's because i'm journalist, i'm writting an article about the topic and i'd like to illustrate it with this strong photos but the magazine has to pay attention to the rights.
tell me something as soon as posible, please.
Dear Elisabeth,
The picture is most likely taken by a bystander who was witness to this event and who has uploaded it to the internet as it can be found on several different sites without any reference to the "owner".
Here are some more links with the picture:
"padeshaheh nazaninemoun" all i can say is Iran can only blame itself for the misery and plague it has brought upon itself! WHY did you not stand up for the shah back in 79? i wasnt even born until 81 in sweden,but i know this much: i would have done SOMETHING! its to late now. no one is going to help us. USA is never going to make direct sanctions against the regim and no one else either. Only thing that can be done is to start another revolution.But the regime is not as dumb and as the shahs currupted two-faced regime..it is holding power with an ironfist, killing and imprisoning anyone who dares to revolt. Something the shah should have done himself against the mullahs. Now i have to grow old in a country that isnt my own beloved soil, and face the everyday racism that goes with being an immigrant.
I rather be lashed thousands of times than becoming Muslim or Islamic
History proves that when a country is at war its cultural development slows down and is more easily influenced by neighboring countries. When Christianity was younger, the nations following its beliefs committed crimes against nature and human rights far worse than those committed by Islam. But during times of peace and prosperity, their inhabitants became more educated. They realized on their own that they where solely responsible for the treatment they received by those in power and their religion was created by men in order to control the weaker minds of the masses. Brave thinkers of the past made painful sacrifices in order to make subtle but important changes in their society. For example: Jesus tried to get rid of the extremism in his society by making changes to his religion. He tried to replace the laws of The Books of The Prophets with only one law, which was to love each other as you love yourself. He was not responsible for the chaotic adulteration of his teachings by men who survived him. But the western world became extremist and SLOWLY more liberal on ITS OWN. We cannot try to force a belief system on anyone through violence; we have to let them grow on their own. If we do what we did in Iraq with Iran, we will spread extremism.
If you love your country, don't ask others to fight for it when you don't even have the courage to stay in it and influence others to think the way you think. Do you think it is with ease and without fear and pain that we fight our wars? I am sick of risking my life in Iraq trying to carry out a flawed plan to bring peace to the Middle East, when the local inhabitants are too afraid to use the tactics we teach them to defend themselves. I saw too many Iraqi Army and Police hide without firing one shot in order to aid the Americans beside them in a heated firefight. Do you think that fleeing your country in some way adds to the number of educated people in it? You are only aiding in the spread of extremism. Stay and teach, fight, or help the resistance in some way. If you flee, get some type of knowledge so that you can go back and fight. Or enjoy the freedom that my friends died for while you gather funds that will be used to aid in the fight against injustice. The extremists are being brave enough to do all these things. Are you going to let them win?
May I ask if you are delusional? What does your experience in Iraq have to do with my blog!? Hold your own government accountable for the mess it has created abroad and the American lives it has endangered! Secondly, do some bloody research and see how your peanut farmer President Carter betrayed the late Shah of Iran, an ally of the U.S., and how Islamic terrorism took off with the U.S. supported Islamic takeover ("Islamic revolution")! Secondly what has anything you posted got to do with my post!? I sure did not ask for American military intervention in Iran so it's not like im asking you to put your life at danger for Iranians!? All I asked was to spread these pictures for the world to see - unlike the footage they see on the main stream media. Next time post something more relevant and more researched rather than thoughtless rants. Thanks for your understanding.
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