French nuclear carrier Charles de Gaulle arrives in the Persian Gulf. Its arrival raises to four the number of Western aircraft carriers cruising within striking distance of Iran, including the USS Eisenhower and USS Boxer.
Click HERE for full story.
15 British marines captured by the Revolutionary Guard of the terrorist Islamic Republic occupying Iran are to go on trial on charges of espionage; if convicted they can face the death sentence.
Click HERE for full story.
UN Security Council unanimously approves tougher sanctions against the terrorist Islamic Republic.
Click HERE for full story.
i m glad they r digging their own graves
we are ready, the iranian would defeat them as we thown our saddams arab from iran and in that time saddam had the 5 fift army in the world.
let them come if they want war we would give them hell
Jomhoriye Kasifee Eslami Parast,
You and your terrorist brethren in the Revolutionary Guard and Basij will be sent to your moon-god "allah" if any escalation takes place; you and your ilk only want to have an excuse to suppress the Iranian people even more and a war would give you that pre-text.
Hopefully your faith won't be sealed by Americans but by Iranians.
are you sick in the head or what.
damn what idiot you are
i hate islamic republic, i am a iranian and i love mu country and i would fight for my country what ever they are
what for excusee i am one of milions of iranian who would fight foregin power who want to destroy my country.
i am not a traitor and 69 milion of iranians are not traitors.
and by the way you have no clue how we iranian are fighting mullah fasicst.
mullahs and USA and zionist bastadrs are same shit.
before you insult people ask more and have a reality.
Jomhoriye Kasifee Eslami Parast,
You say you would fight any foreign power that tries to destroy your country - for 28 years a foreign power called the "Islamic Republic" has been destroying that country and killing our people and if you have been doing anything but participating in that crime it would really be surprising.
Now go back to whatever terrorist camp which will train you to fight the world's no. 1 military...
you are afucking traitor
that is what you are and even the shah dostan laught at you because you have no reality.
vatanforoshe kesafate haromzade hasti to
my people are fighting for their freedom but yoy are a bastards who want to change iran to a slave nation for usa.
and you can go to us camp and play good dog
khake bar saret aberoot mibaram to sitehai shahnshai
aberoie shah bordi vatan forosh
midonam textamo visible nemikoni valli barname daram
Jomhoriye Kasifee Eslami Parast,
I usually don't publish comments by Islamic trash but i've done it this time so that everyone can see what kind of lowlife your ilk are. If in the future you want to say something on this blog you will say it in a civilized manner and keep your Islamic upbringing out of here.
The only slaves that I know of are the "slaves of allah".
I've said it before and i'll say it again the Iranian people must seal the fate of this regime and bring its criminals to justice.
However in the event that an American attack does take place your regime and supporters of it like yourself will suffer such a humiliating defeat that you'd rather commit suicide than be captured like Saddam and be put on trial before the Iranian Nation for your crimes. Now you can twist that as much as you want but it does not change the reality which you will have to face.
Now piss off and don't waste our time bacheh mosalmoon.
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