There has been two articles that i've found in the western press that address the current undrest in Tehran:
Demonstrations Rock Tehran Universities
Agence France-Presse
Iran Students Protest Over Increased Restrictions
Conflicting and false statements are present in both reports. General Talaie, the Islamic Republic's appointed brutal Tehran Police Chief has claimed in the AFP report that 40 police where injured during the demonstration, while his subordinate Police spokesman Mohammad Tourang (in the Reuters report) has said only 5 police officers where injured.
In the AFP report Gen. Talaie of the Islamic Republic says that no students were detained while again his subordinate Police Spokesman Mohammad Tourang (Reuters report) says that unspecified number of arrests have taken place.
This clearly attests to the state of confusion the Islamic Republic is finding itself when they cannot even coordinate between their own forces!!!
We all have to take everything the Islamic Republic says with a grain of salt and conclude that the number of police injured by the Iranian students is much higher and the same with the number of students that have been arrested!
We know that the Islamic Republic has NOT EXERCISED RESTRAINT as claimed in the report.
One slogan that was chanted by students were:
"Na sheikh mikhaeem na mollah, lanaat bar to ruhollah!" which translates into: "We don't want no sheikh nor no mollah, curses on you ruhollah"! "Ruhollah" is a reference to the leader of the Islamic takeover of Iran in 1979 - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
"Ahmadinejad divooneh Iranro kardi virooneh!" roughly translates into: AhmadiNejad you crazy man you've destroyed Iran!
Other slogans were "Down With Dictatorship","Let go of nuclear energy and think of us" and "Khameini [The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic] has to be EXECUTED!".
More UPDATES will follow! As for now please do your best in raising awareness of the Iranian peoples' plight! They have risen and they need OUR support!
People of Iran are urged to increase their civil disobedience against the Islamic Republic across the country!
KRSI are giving direct reports on activities that are happening in Iran. People are urged to come out tonight to face the Islamic Republic!
Student Communiques are calling for the SUPPORT of Iranians across Iran. In Tehran there will be demonstrations tonight at Tehran University. Students are urging all sectors of society to JOIN THEM UNTIL VICTORY!
PLEASE listen to our students! Join them! Even if you don't go to the designated demonstrations don't stay in your homes! Go out of your homes! Be in your cars and honk your horns in support of the students. GET OUT OF YOUR HOMES! The more places we have demonstrations and slogans against the Islamic Republic the less chance there is of the Islamic Republic suppressing us because it will be occuring at too many places for them to send their thugs!
Sporadic clashes continue in several Iranian universities
SMCCDI (Information Service)
Your links that are supposed to be going to AFP and Reuters, go to Iranvajahan comment page
Thanks for the reports. Let's hope this is the beginning of the end of the criminal regime.
I've fixed it...strange...thanks for letting me know Chester
I found this blog surfing.
Really interesting post, with powerful pictures to back it up.
Thank you for the information. It is difficult to obtain anything worthwhile on this, or slanted. Thank you.
Myself and other bloggers are trying to pass the word. I have posted information I have recieved and was able to find on one other site. A fellow blogger sent me your post and it was great. I am linking to you as I am attempting to pass this word as well.
Thank you for the information. It is difficult to obtain anything worthwhile on this, or slanted. Thank you.
Myself and other bloggers are trying to pass the word. I have posted information I have recieved and was able to find on one other site. A fellow blogger sent me your post and it was great. I am linking to you as I am attempting to pass this word as well.
Hi - good to see so much is going on in Iran.
The problem is, most of the British left say that "you can't attack the Islamic regime" because it's being threatened by the USA.
When I shouted "No to war, no to the Islamic republic" with the WCPI(Hekmatist) comrades at a demo, an SWP member accused me of "playing into the hands of Bush by equivocating about the war"!
The Iranian working class provides the only answer - thanks for telling us about their struggles.
Ranter, thanks a lot for passing the word around. We have to give the Iranian people the media-attention they deserve - CNN is good at giving airtime to the Islamic Republic and Islamists but I am yet to see one news channel that would rather give airtime to the people of Iran and their struggle for freedom.
The coming months will be crucial. The annivesery of the attack on Tehran University (1999) by the Islamic merceneries of the Regime is coming up.
There has been an announcement that an overthrow/unity committee/council will be formed in June.
And not to forget that Iranian students seem to take this continous struggle to a higher level during the summer months.
David, the Iranian workers have suffered during this regime as have all other sectors of society. Nobody has suffered more than the other. Workers, teachers, students, women, religious minorities... all have suffered and ONLY TOGETHER will they be able to overthrow this regime. That is what we are working towards.
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