Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tehran University students "Death to Dicator" ref. AhmadiNejad

On October 8 this week Mahmoud AhmadiNejad the President of the occupational Islamic Republic arrived at Tehran University were he was scheduled to give a speech. Heavy security and screening processes was in place to ensure that the few students allowed into the auditorium were regime-loyalists or basiji (a paramilitary organization consisting mainly of young disenchanted/indoctrinated villagers) so that no disruptions or complications need take place during the speech; knowing full well that if Iranian students were allowed into the auditorium there would not only be a security risk towards the Islamic Republic's president but also the fact that students would be able to pose obviously relevant questions which the regime to date has not been ready to answer (regarding the non-existence of freedom and democracy in Iran etc).

Under the heavy presence of the terrorist Islamic Republic's armed security forces hundreds if not up to a thousand of Tehran University students were showcasing their public rejection of the illegal/occupational Islamic regime and its President Mahmoud AhmadiNejad within the university premises - the students were not allowed to leave the University premises but were locked onto campus. As Potkin says in his entry - the university was under a military siege as AhamdiNejad addressed his supporters.

Some of the chants, slogans, and poster's by the Iranian students were:

"Death to Dictator", "Free imprisoned students", "We have questions too, Why only Columbia?" , "Here is Columbia too", "In Columbia yes, in Tehran no?", "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad source of poverty and corruption", "Freedom is our definite right", "Fashist government should be destroyed", "Shame on the regime leave the university", "student torture is condemned". "we don't want dictator regime, we don't want mercenary police", "political prisoners must be freed", "shame on police, leave the university", "Fashist president, university is not your place".

The importance of this event was once again forgotten of or given minimalist attention to by the western media outlets who even then downplayed the size of the demonstration to a "handful" or "around 100". Again let the videos and pictures of the event tell the true story for all to see:


Anonymous said...

That's the most upseting thing about progresists. They rise the flag of free speach only to allow cruel fundamentalist regimes to express themselves, but not the opressed.

Winston said...

brave students!

blank said...

Students of great courage. I hope more of the people come forward to support the brave students.

Anonymous said...

Your weblog is great. Keep up the good work -- Maziar

stuarthwyman said...

Hi, i've read your post and I ask to myself: "are theese students organized to do something for theirself?"

In this time I take your post and I had copy it on my blog, some people go to read evryday, I think that is good to inform they...