Ahmad Batebi, the Iranian student who was sentenced to death by the occupational Islamic Republic for holding up the bloodied shirt of a fellow student during nation-wide anti-regime demonstrations in July 1999, but whose sentence was reduced to lifetime in prison, has escaped on a short leave from prison. He is now in Washington D.C. and had a tv appearance on VOA Persian a few days ago in which he spoke of the horrific torture he endured at the hands of his interrogators for 9 years!!! Batebi stated in his first appearance since fleeing occupied Iran that the Islamic Republic uses both physical and psychological means of breaking political prisoners. He spoke of physical torture such as having his head forced into a toilet full of feces, being beaten and of psychological torture such as being told his mother had died, solitary confinement, being deprived of any source of light, or holding mock executions. Batebi also paid homage to his friends and their undying bravery who had died under torture, in particular the savage killing of Iranian student activist Akbar Mohammadi.
This is such great news!! I hope he will be appearing on U.S. news programs as well!! And I hope he has been given protection!!
This is good news
Wow. Incredible good news. Thank God. May more freedom follow in Iran.
Great news!!! And while this champion of freedom is teaching Iran a lesson in human rights I hope his message reaches America's Democratic Party and the Preogressive Left, who have been actively sabotaging the march towards liberty and the human dignity if offers, a lesson or two that America is not under a brutal dictatorship as so many living here are ignorantly being sheepled into believing.
Particularily those Ivory Tower Liberal Fascists indoctrinating in our American universities!
Long live Liberty and those who show us how precious it is; Thank You Ahmad Batebi!!!!
Welcome to the real world, Dude. Anyone with the guts to spit in the eyes of the insane mullahs of the moon-god cult is welcome here.
Ahmad Batebi now has his own page on Facebook! If you aren't already with FB, I suggest you join up and contact him directly.
That's great news. Have you guys tried to get him to meet with president Bush? that would be a great compensation for that stupid Akbar Ganji.
Good news.
I have seen his picture many times, and often wondered who he was.
Just a small point----the headline should read......has arrived IN the USA.
Let us hope the 70 million Iranians finally over throw the mullahs themselves...
"Have you guys tried to get him to meet with president Bush? that would be a great compensation for that stupid Akbar Ganji."
Ganji's stupid because he didn't want to meet with any heads of state, but instead civil-society leaders like Noam Chomsky and others? Do you think Batebi would call Ganji stupid and discredit the work he did against the regime? I think it's clear who the stupid one is here.
Let me tell you all something, when people like Batebi and Ganji are exiled from Iran, the IRI is winning. This might be good news for Batebi's family, but not so for "freedom-loving" Iranians everywhere, as W. would put it:)
barmakid - what do you mean by "are exiled?" Batebi escaped from Iran - didn't he??? And can you tell me who Akbar Ganji is?
Too bad he's never told the TRUTH about he REALLY got to the U.S.
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