After having arrested tens of Iranian christians earlier this week, the Islamic Republic is intensifying its campaign against religious minorities.
Potkin has an entry on his blog regarding the arrests.
Islamic regime prohibits Christmas mass in church in the city of Rasht
Iran Press News: Human rights activists in Iran reported that the ministry of intelligence and security (MOIS) officials prohibited the Christmas mass ceremonies in the Church in the northern city of Rasht.
Following the extensive arrest of Christians in cities across Iran by MOIS officials religious ceremonies are prohibited via pressure and threats. Due to the threats and pressure, after the arrest of the leaders of their church in recent weeks, the parishioners of the church have been unable to hold mass.
Three years ago, the church in Rasht was also stormed by MOIS agents during a religious ceremony; the agents then confiscated all of the church’s belongings, never to return them. The parishioners once again refurnished their church and due to the continued threats by MOIS, they changed the days of their worship and mass from Sundays to Tuesdays.
The church leaders remain in MOIS custody. Between Wednesday, December 13th to Tuesday, December 19th the church leaders were taken 3 times from prison to the Rasht revolutionary court where they were illegally tried. Their families are extremely concerned about the status of their loved ones. MOIS agents prevented their families from seeing them in front of courthouse.END POST
have you seen this?
parts of the late Shah of iran book
Yes, seen that page and got the book =) thanks for posting it though for others to visit.
Aryamehr jan: Thanks for highlighting the Christians plight in Iran. I had posted the new of Iranian chrisitan converts in my blog as well as soon it happened which was a week before Christmas. Their bibles and all of their prayer's CD were confiscated.
Read my new post on the frightening news of Iranian oil reserves being depleted by 2015. We should all demand full disclosure of all of the oil revenues and all the studies relating to depletion of the oil. We should know why they have not re-invested the money in the oil industry of Iran and hold them accountable.
I read the book in Persian though and it is so sad to see how mullahs ruined Iran. Glad you liked it...
Check this out and i would like to see your respond to S. Zand.
I think you should not let him get away. thanx
I've replied to the link you brought to my attention. Thanks.
Aryamehr jan: Kamngir is on the same payroll. He's been out of Iran for only a year and he speaks perfect english and professionally focused on his talking points. He always has some of kind of thinly veiled balanced view of things by refrencing Baztab or some Iranian bogus newspaper.
Dear ANON,
Yes, it wouldn't surprise me. I've given both of them my final comment.
Thank you Aryamehr jAn,
I read it. These Vatanforoush ppl need to be identified and veiled.
Funny!! not long ago I posted something to Estaki (aka Zand) and he called me Aryamehr11...LOOL
I posted something after your respond, check it out if you get a chance.
Zenedeh baashi
Kamangir had a blog on blogger.com earlier this year and then changed domains to wordpress.com. Wordpress automatically logs IPs when you post, and is capable of doing exact location search for IPs, specially if you have a static IP, and allows for individual poster moderation as per IP address. This is so that you know. I find his sarcasm and ridiculous/irrelevant jibes idiotic, particularly, when he doesn’t like a post or the post goes against his warped sensibilities. Examples include “your sentence needs punctuation” or “who is the king?”.. Curious diversions. Sad that Canada seems to easily permit such dubious characters on its soil. He apparently has a few like-minded friends in Canada, “Yasin” is one of the lower intelligence ones.
"Aryamehr jan: Kamngir is on the same payroll. He's been out of Iran for only a year and he speaks perfect english and professionally focused on his talking points. He always has some of kind of thinly veiled balanced view of things by refrencing Baztab or some Iranian bogus newspaper."
Dear ANON,
You made me think 2wice. Thank you 4 the heads up. Now Legos are falling in their spots.
Siamak Estaki (aka Zand's) newest email :
Come on guys! I am on the Iranian payroll? Chakerim. :)
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