Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi of Iran offers U.S. Senators a three-pronged approach towards the Islamic Republic and again reiterated that any military escalation with the Islamic Republic would not serve U.S. interests nor benefit the freedom-seeking Iranian people. The three-pronged approach consists of "confrontation, pressure, and support".
Elaborating on his three point policy recommendation, the Iranian opposition leader said Prefacing his second point by emphasizing that "Where ever the regime is up to mischief, it needs to be confronted."meaningful pressure needed to be applied on the regime in such a way as to avoid hurting the Iranian people, he prescribed "a progressive set of smart and vigorous sanctions targeted at the economic, political and personal interests of the regime's inner circle and power base." The third and what he referred to as the most critical point of his policy recommendation was the need for the "free world to provide unapologetic and robust support for the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people."For more on this please see the below link:
Reza Pahlavi Offers Senators Three-Pronged Approach on Iran
National Press Club, September 2006, Iran Democracy Movement video (CLICK)
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